Keep in mind that the SSL VPN remote access solution does have some limitations. In a clientless SSL session, the Cisco ASA acts as a proxy between the remote user and the internal resources. When accessing resources, the ASA establishes a secure connection and validates the server SSL certificate. This certificate is never seen by the end user. The ASA does not permit communication with sites that have invalid certificates.
Step 1. Configure an identity certificate
Here, I am creating a general purpose, self-signed, identity certificate named sslvpnkey and applying that certificate to the “outside” interface. You can purchase a certificate through a vendor such as Verisign, etc., if you choose.
corpasa(config)#crypto key generate rsa label sslvpnkeycorpasa(config)#webvpn
corpasa(config)#crypto ca trustpoint localtrust
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#enrollment self
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#fqdn sslvpn.
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#keypair sslvpnkey
corpasa(config-ca-trustpoint)#crypto ca enroll localtrust noconfirm
corpasa(config)# ssl trust-point localtrust outside
Figure A
Step 2. Enable SSL VPN Access
corpasa(config-webvpn)#enable outside
corpasa(config-webvpn)#svc enable
Figure B
Step 3. Create a Group Policy
Group Policies are used to specify the parameters that are applied to clients when they connect. The remote access clients will need to be assigned an IP address during login; so we’ll set up an address pool for them, but you could also use a DHCP server if you have one.
corpasa(config)#ip local pool VPN mask
Next, I’ve made some modifications to the default group policy for items such as the dns-servers, the default domain, etc. Typically, the default group policy is where you will set up the global values common to most users.
Corpasa (config)#group-policy DfltGrpPolicy attributesFigure C
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# wins-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# dns-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# dns-server value
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol svc webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# split-tunnel-network-list value inside-network
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# address-pools value VPN
Then, I’ll create a group policy named Operations. This is where I’ll configure the items specific to our SSL users, which in this case is the operations team.
Corpasa (config)#group-policy Operations internal
Corpasa (config)#group-policy Operations attributes
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# banner value Tech Op Remote Access
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# banner value Unauthorized access prohibited
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# vpn-tunnel-protocol webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-policy)# webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# url-list value TechOps
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# homepage none
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# svc ask none default webvpn
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# customization value TechOps
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# hidden-shares visible
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# file-entry enable
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# file-browsing enable
Corpasa (config-group-webvpn)# url-entry enable
Figure D
Step 4. Configure access list bypass
By using the sysopt connect command we tell the ASA to allow the SSL/IPsec clients to bypass the interface access lists.
corpasa(config)#sysopt connection permit-vpnStep 5. Create a connection profile and tunnel group
As remote access clients connect to the ASA, they connect to a connection profile, which is also known as a tunnel group. We’ll use this tunnel group to define the specific connection parameters we want them to use during this SSL VPN session.
First, let’s create the tunnel group RA_SSL:
corpasa(config)# tunnel-group RA_SSL webvpn-attributesFigure E
Next, I’ll assign the specific attributes:
corpasa(config)#tunnel-group RA_SSL webvpn-attributes
corpasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# group-alias RA_SSL enable
corpasa(config-tunnel-webvpn)# customization TechOps
corpasa(config-webvpn)# group-url https://MyASAIP/RA_SSL enable
Figure F
Step 6. Configure NAT exemption
Now I need to tell the ASA not to NAT the traffic between the remote access clients and the internal network they will be accessing. First I’ll create an access list that defines the traffic, and then we’ll apply this list to the nat statement for our interface.
corpasa(config)#access-list no_nat extended permit ip (inside) 0 access-list no_nat
Figure G
Step 7. Configure user accounts
Now we’re ready for some user accounts. Here I’ll create a user and assign this user to our remote access VPN. While you are setting up local accounts here, you can also configure domain servers and use domain authentication if you choose to do so.
corpasa(config)#username hyde password l3tm3in
corpasa(config)#username hyde attributes
corpasa(config-username)#service-type remote-access
Figure H
Finishing up:
Don’t forget to save your configuration to memory.
corpasa#write memoryVerify your configuration by establishing a remote access session and use the following show command to view session details.
corpasa #show vpn-sessiondb webvpnThis should get the basics of your SSL VPN remote access configured on the Cisco ASA. Unfortunately, your users won’t have many resources until you configure them. In part 2, I’ll look at how to customize the SSL VPN portal to provide the required access for your remote users. Stay tuned!
for further link cisco:Remote Access for users with the Cisco ASA:
Clientless SSL VPN (WebVPN) on Cisco IOS with SDM Configuration Example
There are eight basic steps in setting up remote access for users with the Cisco ASA.
- Step 1. Configure an Identity Certificate
- Step 2. Upload the SSL VPN Client Image to the ASA
- Step 3. Enable AnyConnect VPN Access
- Step 4. Create a Group Policy
- Step 5. Configure Access List Bypass
- Step 6. Create a Connection Profile and Tunnel Group
- Step 7. Configure NAT Exemption
- Step 8. Configure User Accounts
So let’s get started!
for more information click on thiz link: ASA remote Access setup
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