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Friday, April 17, 2009

How to Configure WRT54G linksys router and enable security ????

step1>Access>enter on both fields pwd and user is "admin"
step2>select AUTO DHCP........then change value of local ip address if your DSL modem etc provide you same ip address then change local ip address into after that you can access linksys router through then enter DNS values which ISP provide you........and save

Wireless Security:
step3>select wireless> wireless security>enable security security
step4>select any encryption technique like WPA personal then enter Password on passphrase field then save setting.......restart your Linksys router and connect through wifi

(Note:you can click on steps links which is above to get the better view of pics)

If you have any query plz post your comments and you can email
or chat with me on your left chatroll box thank you

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